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Pike caviar useful properties and contraindication

Pike caviar is not so popular as red caviar or caviar black, and has the benefit of no less and also is more than a dietary salmon and sturgeon. Due to its composition and nutritional properties, respectively pike caviar is capable of protecting the person from many diseases and maintain health for many years.

Description pike caviar:
Pike spawn in our country use since time immemorial. For many years she remained one of the most expensive types of caviar and considered a delicacy. But times have changed and now it is very inexpensive (and useful pollock roe), and people who include pike eggs in your diet, are rare. And it is in vain, as it has a great taste and unique beneficial properties. In the sale of caviar pike comes mainly in the form of salted preserved. It Loose, amber colored and pleasant fishy taste. Pike eggs are used as self-starters, and make its use sauces, pies and other dishes. Pike as usual in almost all regions of our country, and eggs can be harvested respectively at home. This process is quite complex.

Composition pike caviar:
The composition of pike roe includes vitamins A, D, C, B, easily digestible protein, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, iron, phosphorus, iodine and other beneficial to human health.

Caloric pike caviar:
Caloric pike caviar is about 130 calories per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of caviar pike:

Pike caviar enhances immunity, nourishes the body of biologically active substances.
Regular consumption of pike roe beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves circulation, increases hemoglobin levels, normalizes blood pressure, protects against atherosclerosis.
Pike caviar helps the nervous system.
Favorably affects the brain.
Helps to improve eyesight.
Experts recommend include pike spawn in the diet of people recovering from serious illnesses, as well as pregnant women, children and adolescents.
Improves skin, hair and nails.
Protects the body from premature aging and helps maintain the health and youth for many years.
Pike caviar is considered an aphrodisiac and enhances sexual function in both men and women.
Contraindications pike caviar:
Pike caviar contraindicated if you are hypersensitive, and children up to 3 years. Besides it is not necessary to use the pike spawn in large quantities even perfectly healthy people. Better moderately but regularly.

The benefits and contraindications of other types of eggs, fish, seafood and other foods can be found in the section "Related Products".
Take care of yourself, be healthy and do not forget that a healthy lifestyle is not only of proper nutrition. Very important is physical activity, avoiding harmful habits, healthy sleep and other components.
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Добавлено 24.07.2014 caviarna_seafood

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